Can-C Eye Drops for Dogs

Can-C Eye Drops

Can-C Eye Drops for Dogs

  • Supports eyes’ natural healing process*
  • Soothing Lubricating Eyedrops*

Initial results in only 3 months time!
Optimal Results within 6 – 12 months!

  • (4 – 8 week supply) 1 – 2 boxes @ $39.00/box = 10% Savings!
  • (3 – 4  month supply) 3 – 4 boxes @ $35.00/box = 19% Savings!
  • (6 – 8  month supply) 6  boxes @ $31.50/box = 25% Savings!
  • Two (5ml) vials per box
  • Based on applying 3 drops daily to each eye.

Safe & Effective Ingredients

Can-C eye drops

The healthy eye contains high levels of L-Carnosine. Interestingly, the eyes of dogs suffering from degenerative ocular diseases such as cataracts were found to be grossly deficient in this essential ocular antioxidant. Can-C™ replenishes the eye’s natural levels of this potent, natural antioxidant.

Enhancing the Eye’s Restorative Properties

One of the most amazing features of the eye is its ability to repair itself and prevent infection after injury. Can-C™ drops support the healing process by keeping the eye well lubricated and delivering essential nutrients to support the eyes’ natural healing process


Can-C Eye Drops for Dogs